Live by the beach

Discover resort-living

There’s a reason we love resorts. Scenic surroundings, solitude, splendid views, amenities where you can just unwind and relax, calming sounds of the ocean during the day, and the fun of shopping blissfully or sampling new delicacies from around the world at night. With La Vie, we’ve now brought all the trappings of a luxury resort to your door, creating that sense of relaxation and retreat right in your own home. Think of it as a great way to extend your vacation and feel like you never left the resort.

Price: 10000000

Yash Lakhwani

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A powerful design language

Inspired by Miami modernist architecture, La Vie features delightful aesthetic elements. With an emphasis on effective use of glazing, the elegant interior and exterior spaces inspire awe in residents and visitors alike.

Breathtaking views

Wake up to unrivaled views of the sea, Palm Jumeirah, Blue Waters and Ain Dubai. Each of the apartments boasts unbeatable views that are synonymous with luxury and opulence, offering a visual treat that one can never tire of.

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